Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office
Inmate Property
Home / Inmate Property 2024
Located in the south building of the Hamilton County Justice Center
Property hours
Monday – Friday 8AM- 4PM
Closed All Holidays
Property Release Procedure
- Property Release forms are filled out by the inmate through the Kiosk located on their assigned floor. A valid ID is required to pick up property.
- Property consists of clothing and other items such as wallets and keys.
Money is released separately and requires a form to be filled out by the inmate through social services.
Items accepted at Property Window
- Prescription glasses and/or contact lenses, dentures.
- Items can be delivered to the Property Window in the South Building of the Justice Center Monday-Friday 8AM to 3:30PM excluding holidays.
- Contact lenses must be in a sealed /unopened box. Contact lens solution is not accepted.
- You must provide a valid photo ID when you drop off glasses at the Property Window.
- All items will be searched.
Court Clothing Drop Off
- Court clothing is accepted 8AM-10AM the day before court.
- If Court is on Monday, you would drop off the Friday before.
- A valid ID is required to drop off clothing; all clothing will be searched by a drug dog.
Acceptable Court Attire
- Polo, khakis, button-up shirt, suit
- No belts, Ties, Suspenders or Shoes
- Court clothing sprayed with cologne, perfume, or scented oil will not be accepted.
Shipping property
Items left at the facility can be shipped at the expense of the receiving person.
A prepaid box must be sent to the Hamilton County Justice Center:
1000 Sycamore Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Attention: Property Department